
The Kincardine Scottish Pipe Band is a registered charity that provides many free public services. In addition to the Saturday Night Parades, the pipe band participates in local events, including the Canada Day Parade and a number of local charitable events. All band members volunteer our time and many of us can be seen as Phantom Pipers at the Kincardine Lighthouse at sundown most nights in the Summer. The band enjoys broad public support from municipal organizations. We hope that you may also want to make a contribution so that we can continue to march on!

Send a cheque by mail:

Kincardine Scottish Pipe Band
Box 476 Kincardine, On
N2Z 2Y9

A tax receipt will be sent directly from the Kincardine Scottish Pipe Band.

Become a member of the Friends of the Kincardine Scottish:

For a contribution of $100.00 you can fill out the Contribution Form and send it by mail it to the address on the form and you will receive:

  • Our appreciation for your ongoing financial support
  • An early invitation (before tickets go on sale to the general public) to the annual Robbie Burns Dinner held in January, and
  • A tax receipt for your generosity.

On line donations are quick and easy:

Please visit the CanadaHelps website by clicking the link below.